In creating this site l am rediscovering past and present influences which seem to have got me to this point in my life.
I’d forgotten the impact of seeing my father working with his hands to create something out of wood or
my mother weaving clothe. Of talking, eating, cooking and drinking with friends. Of being connected,
through my partner, with another world view. Of experiencing, through travel, other cultures, other ways
of doing things. Of watching my children grow and finding their own pathways.
These influences have provided me with choices. Having choices and making connections between
choices, makes life interesting.
The site captures some of the choices l’ve made which stimulate and invigorate my life. What l am,
how l approach life, the risk taking, the searching for new opportunities, making connections between
seemingly disparate things, the excitement in setting up new projects and seeing new places; all this
is what drives a part of my life.