Chris and l got back on Saturday from a week travelling around the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia: Qantas to Adelaide, then REX flight to Port Lincoln, car hire from Port Lincoln to Ceduna, REX from Ceduna to Adelaide and final Qantas flight back home. We had two days in Port Lincoln, two days in Streaky Bay and one night in Ceduna. All the way eating lots of oysters, King George whiting and prawns, all from local catches. The highlight for me was our two nights in a waterfront apartment in Streaky Bay, just 300 metres from the Mocean restaurant where we had two delicious seafood meals. The side trip from Streaky to Cape Bauer highlighted the rugged, elemental coastline in this part of south Australia. This is an area of fast distances and long straight roads that seem to go on forever. Those early explorers must have been people of great courage. A lovely week away.
Go here for photos of the trip.