Many years ago Bill showed us his set up for smoking salmon. Inspired we came home, built a smoke-house and began to smoke salmon. On one of our trips to Vancouver we brought back to Australia a Bradley Smoke generator for generating smoke to use in our smoke-house.
The photos below show our latest smoking; enjoy.

Four sides of salmon

Each side cut into four portions

16 portions

Mixture of salt, fennel, sugar to marinate the salmon

Layer of mixture on glad wrap/portion (flesh side up) placed on mixture and topped with more mixture/another portion placed on top of this (flesh side down) and more mixture on top/all wrapped in glad wrap

Wrapped portions placed in box, weighted down with bricks and left overnight, drawing our moisture

Following day portions washed to remove remains of mixture and air-dried until sticky

Out to the smoke-house

We smoke for around ten hours

Ten hours later salmon ready for packing;this shot taken 9pm at night

The results of all that smoking

Vacuum packed

Ready for the freezer