We’ve kept hens for over 30 years; usually only four at any one time. When our kids were little and when the chooks went broody we used to get fertile eggs for the chooks to hatch. At that time we could send by train any roosters and excess stock to country relatives. Over the years we’ve had Rhode Island Red, Light Sussex, Plymouth Rock and Barnaveldars. Twice a fox has got into the chook house during the night and killed the lot. Below are our latest batch; this time Isa Browns from Abundant Layers. We had one chook, Lucy, a Wyandotte, which used to love to sit on your lap. She died of old age. The colour of the egg yolks from our chooks has always been a brilliant yellow - real eggs!
These Isa Browns were terrific layers; the fox has struck again, this time carrying off all the chooks. My fault really as l had forgotten to close the chook house door. But we now have four very young beautiful Light Sussex chooks which will be laying in a few months.