Visit to Canberra: December 2017

Yesterday went up to Canberra for the day to see two exhibitions. The first at the Australian National Museum focused on Songlines linked to the Seven Sisters (pleiades), integral to Australian Aboriginal lore. 

"Seven sisters leave Roeburn in Western Australia, tracking east over 500 square kilometres to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunyjatjara (APY) lands in the Northern Territory and South Australia.The sisters are pursued by an evil shape-shifting spirit, a man called Wati Nyiru or Yurlu, who drives them across the land and into the night sky where they come the Pleiades star cluster."

The second at the Australian National Gallery to view Hyper Real. 

"Featuring uncanny figures with painted silicon skin, glass eyes, human hair and cutting-edge digital art, Hyper Real provokes reflection, fascination, fear and joy. From eerily lifelike sculptures to out-of-this-world virtual reality, this major exhibition charts the evolution of hyperrealism into the 21st century.

What a day. The presentation of Songlines was fantastic (especially the digital display in the dome which explained the story of Songlines). I found Hyper Real fascinating but disturbing.

Go here for photos.