Last night attended a one hour film show at ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) which is located in Melbourne; two of the three films were scripted and directed by Callum: an early film entitled True Estate (As a rich middle-aged man prepares for a date, he discovers what his life is really worth) and the other created this year called The Siege (After committing an assault which left his wife in hospital, a prisoner speaks to a chaplain in an attempt to assuage his guilt). The latter film shows how Callum’s film making skills in scripting, directing and creating soundscapes have been finely tuned. A wonderful result appreciated by the 85 people in the audience. Chris and l are so proud of Callum’s work in film.

Axel & Andrew:pre-show meal


Callum greeting guests

Audience gathering

Art work by Milena for The Siege