Exhibition of illustrations for picture books: 23/7/2015

Years ago when l was training to be a teacher-librarian, l remember going to a children’s bookshop called The Little Bookroom which was run by Albert Ullin; this must be back in the late ‘60s. Albert was the first person in Australia (maybe the world) to open a shop dedicated to children’s literature. Over the years l visited the shop many times to buy books for schools l was teaching in or books for our own kids. I also remember visiting Albert to talk with him about the pros and cons of opening a bookshop; it was a dream that never happened. Albert sold the business in the late 1990’s to a couple of his shop assistants. It still operates today in two locations. Throught all this time Albert collected original art work created by Australian illustrators of children’s picture books. He recently donated 80 illustrations to the National Gallery of Victoria. Chris and l went to the opening of the exhibition where l had a chance to talk to Albert, now 85. He remembered my past contacts with him and The Little Bookroom. He’s done a wonderful thing with this donation.

Go here for a selection of the illustrations.